They can strip a carcass clean in minutes. Blood drips from a Rüppell’s vulture’s beak as it pauses mid-meal. The neck and head of Rüppell’s are sparsely feathered, the better to keep gore ...
The Bearded Vulture is a unique bird that specialises in eating bone marrow by breaking bones and swallowing them whole ...
it signals other vultures by wheeling in the sky. It can only eat animals that have soft tissue, as its beak is unable to rip through tough skin. Upon finding food, the white-backed vulture ...
I knew that king vultures can smell fresh meat from several kilometres away, but it was a great surprise to me when they turned up almost straight away.' With a powerful, sharp beak, complete with a ...
The vulture also has large feet and a sharp, hooked beak to easily tear flesh. According to the zoo, the Cape vulture is an “Old World” vulture, which is more closely related to eagles and ...