The calendars are the official source of information on undergraduate programs and courses offered at the University of Ottawa. They show you the basic structure of each program, including the number ...
If my academic average is above the minimum average for admission to the program of interest to me, do I gain any advantage by completing a Declaration of Personal Experience? arrow_drop_down No.
The thesis supervisor, in consultation with you, proposes examiners to form the thesis jury. You must ensure that the List of Examiners for the Evaluation of the Thesis form has been completed and ...
You may choose Qualitative Grades (i.e. "Pass/Fail," or, at uOttawa, "Satisfactory/Not Satisfactory") instead of letter grades for up to 8 classes taken in French in your first two years. Qualitative ...
Students can apply to full-time or part-time OSAP funding for studies during the Spring/Summer term as of the month of April. In order to determine your appropriate application process, please answer ...
You’ve received an offer of admission. Congratulations! If you have been admitted, we’ll email once we’ve made a decision. Read the PDF offer of admission in your admission file carefully. You’ll find ...
University of Ottawa / Adjunct Professor, McGill University, Department of Medicine ...