We are recognized as one of the top detachments in Air Force ROTC! Our cadets host a robust multi-domain exercise every semester, where we work with our sister services and other AFROTC cadets around ...
SSgt Martin Jerome Castro, NCOIC Administrations at the Air Force Reserve Officer’s Training Corps, Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, New York, serves and assists all students in ...
In the Air Force ROTC, we are committed to providing cadets with real-world Air Force experiences, ensuring they make informed decisions about their future careers as Officers in the Air Force or ...
For this reason, and at the time, the University of Massachusetts Lowell was a land grant college requiring the school to have an ROTC unit thus, the Department of Defense and the Air Force ...
Air Force ROTC at SUNY Cortland is a college program offered through Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y. It prepares you to become an Air Force officer while earning a college degree. And it gives you ...