In a world where water scarcity looms large, the UK's Armed Forces are gearing up for a future where the battle for resources ...
Course aims to help tackle combat fatigue and alleviate mental health troubles brought on by the war with Russia ...
Sir Keir Starmer has said that Donald Trump is right to say that Europe needs to do more on military expenditure ...
Deployable is defined as personnel who are able to deploy on operations. Some personnel may be limited for medical reasons, ...
The UK is to increase efforts to help train Ukrainian soldiers to manage the stresses of combat. The Ministry of Defence said ...
The UK must embrace reserve forces to build affordable military mass, attract specialist talent, and meet defence needs in an ...
At the moment, Britain has been training Ukrainian troops in the UK. There is also a small team of British Army medics ...
John Healey has said Britain needs to ‘make the training a better fit for what the Ukrainians need’ and left the door open to ...
The Army saved me after a difficult upbringing, but my world came crashing down when I suffered a serious injury ...