Last spring, the world’s most-visited art museum, the Louvre in Paris, proposed moving its most popular artwork—Leonardo da ...
Art critics hailed news of the move, saying that the precious painting has stolen the spotlight for long enough.
Comprising more than 100 looks, the show illustrates how historic art, objects, and styles have inspired today's preeminent ...
In a confidential letter sent to France's ministry of culture, the director of the Louvre museum, Laurence des Cars ... Tickets sell out quickly and in-person queues are very long.
From trying to understand when to use 'tu' and 'vous' to guessing the gender of French nouns and overrated French tourist ...
The head of the Louvre in Paris has warned the government ... des Cars has spoken out publically about the museum reaching "saturation point." One of her first major measures was to impose a ...