The Greatest Showman is a captivating 2017 biographical musical drama that takes viewers on an inspiring journey through the life of P.T. Barnum, the visionary behind the Barnum & Bailey Circus.
Watch a video of Sunset Boulevard star Nicole Scherzinger singing 'Never Enough' from The Greatest Showman with Counter-Melodies Podcast co-hosts Jonathan Tilkin and Anthony Gargiula.
In a new video, Wicked's sound mixer Simon Hayes takes viewers behind the scenes and inside the recording of the new film. Hayes offers details on microphones, live singing, and more. ( more...) ...
Jenny Lind, to appeal to a high-brow audience, he will lose sight of the most crucial aspect of his life: his family. Will Barnum, the greatest showman, risk it all to be accepted?
Very few would argue against the fact that Hugh Jackman is one of our biggest movie stars. The man could cost solely on his ...
That is pretty intense, but given that her love apparently stems from watching The Greatest Showman — aka one of the best movies on Disney+ right now — who could blame her? Ryan Reynolds has ...
In the odd musical biopic, famous British singer Robbie Williams is portrayed by a CGI chimpanzee, but you'll love it nonetheless.