Dear Heloise: Glen Allen, in Virginia, said he fed birds and squirrels bread. This is not recommended at all as it contains ...
While many birds are attracted to this high-energy food source, some are regular visitors to feeders containing suet. "Woodpeckers are most frequently seen feeding on suet; downy woodpeckers ...
It's important to feed the UK's wild birds in spring, but there is one type of food that gardeners are being urged to avoid ...
Birds consume berries year-round, but most shrubs and trees produce berries only once a year. To ensure a continuous supply ...
The RSPB explains: “Be careful with peanuts, fat and bread during spring and summer. If you want to feed peanuts only do so ...
Beautiful birds can be seen flocking to your bird feeder during the summer months - but what food is best for them? Here is a bird feeder guide for nesting season ...
and you can certainly help them out with some backyard feeding.” What kind of bird feeders and food should you use? Epstein has multiple feeders. One that he recommends is a suet feeder, that you can ...
Cages for suet, found in stores near suet cakes ... There are many options for feeding birds (and that occasional squirrel that is hungry) during the coming winter months. You may want to try ...
Salt is very bad for birds, so whatever you do, don’t use the roasted salted variety. Stick to natural unsalted seeds, nuts, dried fruit and finely chopped bacon rind. Melt some suet or lard in ...