Despite record levels of student loan forgiveness, student debt totals are higher today than when President Biden took office ...
The Trump administration also wants to reconsider a rule that helped forgive student debt held by borrowers who ... when the justices argued the issue in December. During the first Trump ...
Changes are coming to student loans, an issue that has affected many Americans in recent years. The solutions have brought ...
The Republicans have touted making cuts to student loan savings and forgiveness after former President Joe Biden's reforms.
Offering substantive solutions to student loan debt could help Republicans bridge the electoral gap with college-educated ...
Under current rules, banks factor in HELP repayments when determining how much they’re willing to lend, which can be a barrier for some first-time homebuyers. But new guidance is aiming to allow more ...
EFF MP Sihle Lonzi criticises the South African government for its inaction on student debt and degree delays, calling for ...