Bollywood actor and director Satish ... films such as Ram Lakhan, Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro and Deewana Mastana. His success came on the back of decades of hard work. Born on 13 April 1956, Kaushik ...
Actor Satish Kaushik passed away at the age of 66 last year due to a heart attack. Satish plays the role of former Deputy ...
In an exclusive interview with Times Now, Anupam Kher remembered his best friend, Satish Kaushik, who was his co-star in ...
10 of India’s most iconic Christmas Cakes: A must-try list for the season Navratri 2024: 9 forms of Goddess Durga, names, powers and how to worship How universe was created according to Hinduism ...
Bollywood actor Anupam Kher celebrated the legacy of late actor Satish Kaushik by sharing his transformation for the role of former Deputy Prime Minister of India, Jagjivan Ram. "Sometime as an ...