The year: 1861. The problem: Pro-slavery states had broken away from the Union, rising up in armed revolt as the treasonous ...
EXPERIENCE A CIVIL WAR DRAMA inspired by true events in 1862 Kentucky. WATCH A SPECIAL INTERVIEW with actor KRIS KRISTOFFERSON and writer/producer ROBBY HENSON taped at the Los Angeles Television ...
It might surprise some war movie fans to know that at least one Army historian doesn't think there's anything special about ...
Seventy Black Union military members who fought in the Civil War will be memorialized in a monument planned for Rocky Mount in Franklin County, Virginia.
The second Sudanese civil war from 1983 to 2005 killed an estimated ... Bashir enforced a strict interpretation of sharia, employed private militias and morality police to enforce his decrees ...
At the time, Jackson had been providing daily care for Bolin, a widower who served as a private in the 14th Missouri Cavalry through the Civil War. Because the war veteran "did not believe in ...
“Their transvestism was a private rebellion against the public ... There isn’t a ton of data on the number of women who fought in the Civil War. Blanton said estimates range from about 400 ...
Narrated by Henry Fonda. "Civil War: A Poor Man's Fight" explores the internal struggles of Union private Henry Fleming during the Civil War, as he grapples with fear, bravery, and the reality of ...
The Civil War, an epic nine-episode series by the award ... the generals and the private soldiers, the anguish of death in battle and the grief of families at home. Archival images of 16,000 ...