No-knead bread recipe Ingredients 500g/1lb 2oz strong white flour, plus extra for dusting 7g (one sachet) instant yeast 10g/⅓oz salt vegetable oil for greasing How to make bread Mix the flour ...
It will feel almost cooked, but it is a dense, weighty loaf: don’t expect white-bread lightness; even when fully cooked, this loaf feels as heavy as a brick. Give the loaf a knock underneath ...
Picture a bowl of soup or a salad without a slice of crusty bread to go with it. Worse still, imagine a deliciously tangy piece of Camembert cheese, served with a glass of red wine, but no ...
If using fast-acting yeast, there is no need to let ... knock back and knead again for 2–3 minutes. Leave to relax for ten minutes before you begin to shape the bread. Shape the bread into ...