The reaction reduces the titanium oxides in the ore to a pool of molten titanium under a slag of aluminum oxide and calcium fluoride. The titanium is further purified by electrolytic refining ...
Hot clouds of molten titanium Exoplanet LTT9779 b was first spotted in 2020, but it's only recently that ESA discovered how shiny it truly is. Thanks to the agency's CHEOPS satellite, which ...
Using the ESO's Very Large Telescope, researchers were able to observe winds carrying iron and titanium in the atmosphere of WASP-121b, an ultra-hot gas giant. These observations show a climate ...
Molten aluminum splashes were discovered on ... want to further investigate how the splashes were caused and the potential effects on titanium and stainless steel materials by recreating, for ...
Powdered titanium dioxide ore is placed in a smelter containing chlorine gas and the carbon-based reducer known as coke. Temperatures of around 1,000 degrees Celsius then produce liquid titanium ...
Since the beginning of this year, in response to the complex and volatile market conditions, Pangang Group Panzhihua Titanium Co., Ltd. has been expanding and strengthening its traditional products ...
Using the ESO's Very Large Telescope, researchers were able to observe winds carrying iron and titanium in the atmosphere of WASP-121b, an ultra-hot gas giant. These observations show a climate ...