The DC Animated Universe featured a string of interconnected cartoon shows that aired in the '90s and '00s. Here's the best ...
We've stuck to the release order here so if you're a total newcomer to the Marvel universe, you can watch the series as everybody else did. If you want to go in timeline order, then just refer to ...
Since Iron Man’s release in 2008, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has given fans a bunch of villains – each with their own goals, methods, abilities, and opinions. While many MCU villains are clear-cut ...
In the nearly five years since we started these Throwback Thursdays I’d never consider the easiest of options: The Marvel ...
From Captain America 4 to Daredevil, here is every Marvel Studios title set to debut in theaters and on Disney+.
Of all the TV shows ending in 2024, or any year, nothing was quite comparable to Marvel’s multiverse-exploding anthology What ...
Well, I’ll give him another 20 minutes, but that’s it!” This was the final line uttered in the 1980 movie Airplane! for those who bothered to stick around for a post-credit scene featuring a ...
Veteran directors James Gunn and Matt Reeves might be going down a dark road with their take on continuity in the DCU and ...
OK, it would have to be a pretty big room because some of these characters transcend literal space and time, but still, their ...