"Our Father." Father Vanni's little volume, which is a concise commentary on the Lord's Prayer, provides some new ...
Look no further than these 25 Lent prayers!The set-apart observance of Lent provides Christians the opportunity to reflect on ...
“In praying, do not babble like the pagans, who think that they will be heard because of their many words…This is how you are ...
I knew that Rowan Williams, once the Archbishop of Canterbury, knew a lot about Eastern Christian practice, but I did not know that he begins his day with the Jesus Prayer. More: Readers of ...
My Lord Jesus Christ, who, through the love which you bear toward men, does remain with them day and night in this sacrament, full of mercy and love, awaiting, inviting and receiving all who come ...
Prayer is a special gift from God through which we talk to Him. By simply sharing our hearts with our Creator, we thank him, think of him and share all ...
O sacred heart of Jesus, mercifully accept the prayer which I now make to you for help in the moment of my death, when at its approach all my senses shall fail me. When, therefore, O kind and ...
Housing and Urban Development Secretary Scott Turner opened President Donald Trump's first Cabinet meeting of his second term on Wednesday at the White House with an inspiring Christian prayer. In the ...
Jesus said that prayer should be a private time between God and the worshipper. Jesus does not mean that it is wrong to pray with others, but the prayers should be sincere and for the right motives.