Former leading man Jack Nicholson has faded into a quiet life, but his absence from the Hollywood spotlight has fueled fans’ ...
Jack Nicholson and Lara Flynn Boyle's romance is one Hollywood won't soon forget. As each of their careers continued to ...
An increasingly rare new photograph of Jack Nicholson was revealed Thursday in a gallery of images capturing the actor and his family’s holiday gathering. The image of the 87-year-old actor ...
Stanley Kubrick's polarizing take on Stephen King's The Shining, starring Jack Nicholson & Shelley Duval, has its own haunting mythology. Actress Shelley Duvall, best known for her role in ‘The ...
The beloved actor hadn't attended a game ... unwanted attention from men in Hollywood. Jack Nicholson is taking the news of Kobe Bryant's shocking death after a helicopter crash on Sunday hard.