1999, during Hurricane Floyd. - All-time record rainfall from a tropical cyclone: 23.63 inches at Loris in Sept. 2018 during ...
After Hurricane Floyd hit the state in 1999, pig waste drowned animals and caused mass fish deaths. Residents who live near the pig farms have often complained about their effect on lives and ...
FLOYD, Va. (WDBJ/Gray News) - A Virginia man is helping bring relief to North Carolina residents months after Hurricane Helene’s devastation is still being felt in the area. Bill St. Pierre ...
Weather: the imminent arrival of Hurricane Floyd and its potential impact runs throughout the poem. 'Today a hurricane is nudging up the coast,/ Oddly male: Big Bad Floyd, who brings a host/ Of ...
Hurricane was 87 years ago. Not many in our area have first-hand memories of the Great New England Hurricane of 1938. My ...
Hurricane Floyd in 1999, Frances, Jeanne and Wilma during the 2004 and 2005 seasons, Matthew in 2016, and Irma in 2017. Mike has earned a number of awards for his on-air work, including special ...