Fearless green crusader and fast food behemoth McDonald’s is keeping up the good fight against the environmental menace of … plastic straws. Yes, the chain is moving nationally to a ...
President Donald Trump announced that he will sign an executive order ending the push for paper straws. "I will be signing an Executive Order next week ending the ridiculous Biden push for Paper ...
"Seems much easier to tell with glass straws cuz [they're] see-through." User sparks debate after sharing photo of unusual ...
Paper can be renewable and pasta straws are biodegradable even if you ... the true core of going green is still the first “R” in the three “R”s: reduce, reuse and recycle.
See a few examples of bio-based innovations from Starbucks, Heavenly Tea, and Bioloeather from ThePackHub’s Innovation Zone.
As the world transitions away from oil and gas, some see plastics as an alternative business model for the fossil fuel ...
The city’s litter all ends up in landfills and not in green spaces or the sea. This means that in reality, paper straws in Hong Kong already share the same fate as plastic ones, she said.
[paper straws] don’t work,” President Donald Trump said after signing an executive order that essentially rolls back Biden-era efforts to go green and phase out single use plastics with paper ...
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Donald Trump said Monday he is banning federal use of paper straws, saying they “don’t work” and don’t last very long. Instead he wants the government to ...