“This film, a representative documentary on the Great Kanto Earthquake, offers an overall view of how society responded from the immediate aftermath to reconstruction,” said Akira ...
Paramount+ has set a release date for the documentary 'Death Without Mercy' about the Turkish-Syrian border earthquake.
Even after the quake itself subsided, the tragedy of the Great Kanto Earthquake was only beginning ... Part 2 of the documentary follows the timeline of the aftermath and beyond, applying the ...
The reel surfaced after an 81-minute documentary titled “Camera o Motta Otokotachi: Kanto Daishinsai o Toru” (Men with cameras: Capture the Great Kanto Earthquake) hit cinemas last year.
After a series of small tremors in Los Angeles, Dr. Clare Winslow, a local seismologist, pinpoints the exact location and time of when the long awaited earthquake--"The Big One"--will strike ...