For months, Republican lawmakers on the powerful Joint Finance Committee have cast doubt on the reauthorization of ...
Numerous events and policy decisions across the world in the last several months are causing despair among many ...
Arizona's water chief reports $4 billion for Colorado River conservation is accessible again, but federal agencies haven't ...
Carbon financing can play a larger role here if the private sector can help fill the financing gap left by USAID’s withdrawal ...
A group called Force Blue, which does conservation work across the country, is providing what they call "mission therapy" to ...
If passed, the bill would allocate $30 million annually for 10 years and include a 25% non-federal match requirement, with ...
The male wood duck is one of the most beautiful birds on Earth. We’re lucky we can see them almost any day of the week, any ...
The Finger Lakes Land Trust is seeking a full-time Project Director to lead its Hemlock to High Tor Initiative, an ambitious ...
Small-scale farmers counting on federal funds to implement conservation practices to mitigate climate change feel they have ...
The groups say the Forest Service didn't include enough details about where exactly the logging project will take place to assess the impact on wildlife.
Gov. Kathy Hochul recently announced $80 million in new grant funding available to communities across New York State for ...
A herd of Exmoor ponies has been brought into a nature reserve in the hope they can play a "crucial role" in a grasslands ...