These eruptions are observed in binary star systems and suggest a surprising link between the extreme environment surrounding ...
Strange x-ray pulses hint at a surprisingly long-lived white dwarf orbiting precariously close to a supermassive black hole ...
Trying to explain the origin of the eruptions of eRO-QPE2 ... white dwarf being partially tidally stripped by a black hole with a mass at a level of 230,000 solar masses. However, further studies ...
confirming repeated eruptions. The findings are crucial for understanding how stellar debris interacts with other objects near black holes. Continued Monitoring by NASA’s NICER Instrument NASA's ...
This suggests a stable mass transfer process that can lead to alternating strong and weak eruptions, providing insights into the dynamics of stellar interactions near black holes. Another ...
A video showing the radio galaxy, Centaurus A, which hosts the closest actively feeding black hole to Earth. The video shows the apparent size of the galaxy at optical, X-ray and submillimetre ...