Algerian Parliament Speaker Ibrahim Bougali called on Spanish Ambassador to Algeria, Fernando Moran, to urge his country to ...
Algeria's parliament has established a commission to draft a law criminalising French colonial rule (1830-1962), a move deemed "historical" amid escalating diplomatic tensions between the two ...
The fate of 60 Algerians that France hopes to deport across the Mediterranean Sea has divided the two countries, further ...
Due to the growing dispute between the two countries, the Algerian government has begun suspending the decades-long arrangement.
Algeria’s raising the issue of diplomatic properties used by France has caused a state of alert among French political ...
France does not want "war with Algeria" but the North African nation is "aggressing" France by refusing to accept deportees, ...
New statements by French Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau have raised questions about the existence of pressure on the man ...
Otherwise, the head of government threatened, Algeria would expose itself to "a graduated response". This could range from the calling into question of visa-free travel for Algerian diplomats to ...
ALGIERS, March 24 (Xinhua) -- Algeria's parliament established late Sunday a commission to draft a law criminalizing French colonial rule (1830-1962), a move deemed "historical" amid escalating ...
Macron has accused Algeria’s military-led government of using “hatred of France” as a central governing principle. Last year Macron enraged Algeria by shifting France's position to back ...