Early diagnosis and treatment of ADHD could help prevent young people from picking up smoking, per a new study.
If cigarettes contained very little of the chemical that keeps people smoking, it could help smokers move away from these deadly products. That’s the rationale behind a new rule proposed on ...
The Biden White House is expected to formally propose a plan ordering cigarette nicotine levels to be reduced dramatically.
Zeller credited Gottlieb for advocating for the nicotine regulation within the Trump White House, after the Obama administration had fallen short. Obama officials had promised Zeller they would back ...
The Biden administration released a proposal Wednesday to dramatically reduce nicotine levels in cigarettes, a move that anti-smoking advocates believe would save millions of lives even as it ...
Last year, the smoking rate hit another all-time low, with 1 in 9 adults saying they currently smoke. Low-nicotine cigarettes are not a new idea. Several companies, including Philip Morris ...
If finalized, the proposal would require cigarette makers to significantly reduce the levels of nicotine in their products in an effort to make smoking less addictive and less satisfying.