Storm surges often are the most deadly and destructive phenomena to accompany a hurricane or tropical cyclone. Here is an ...
Sara would be the 19th storm of the Atlantic hurricane season ... For the storm to “develop,” which refers to the formation of a tropical depression, it requires a closed circulation and ...
It's not great news for the Gulf Coast and other storm-prone regions: La Niña is associated with more tropical activity in ...
Wind shear is often the most critical factor controlling hurricane formation and destruction. In general, wind shear refers to any change in wind speed or direction along a straight line.
The effects of Hurricane Mitch on informal settlement in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. VideoThe effects of Hurricane Mitch on informal settlement in Tegucigalpa, Honduras ...
Fact: The total energy released through cloud and rain formation in an average hurricane is equivalent to 200 times the worldwide electrical generating capacity. This astonishing fact comes by way ...