“Shubenacadie Sam,” also known as Sammy, resides in Shubenacadie Wildlife Park in Nova Scotia, Canada. Sammy is the first ...
At the annual Groundhog Day ceremony at the Staten Island Zoo on Wednesday, Charles G. Hogg — better known as Staten Island ...
Animal-welfare activists are asking local officials to stop using the animals at their Groundhog Day events. Local officials ...
If you're the groundhog-forecast believing type, Staten Island Chuck has a prediction for you. New York's favorite forecasting rodent did not see his shadow and has declared an early spring.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio dropped a squirmy Staten Island Chuck during a Groundhog Day celebration at the Staten Island Zoo. The weather-predicting rodent forecasted six more weeks of winter.
This winter has been harsh, especially in the Midwest and East Coast, but in just a couple weeks, on Groundhog Day, we'll ...
If the badger emerged from its den and found a sunny day and cast a shadow, there would be four more weeks of winter. If ...
You may know that Groundhog Day is coming up, but do you know who Punxsutawney Phil is? Know a bit of his backstory before ...